Ulla-Umia LAG is composed of 58 members: representatives from the 7 municipalities present in the territory, as well as an important number of associations, 48 in total (women, cultural, sport, hunters, NGOs, etc.), and representatives of the “Fundación Comarcal et de la Délégación del Medio Rural”. The LAG managing board is composed of 20 representatives (9 institutional and 11 members associations). The technical team has: one coordinator, one projects technician, and 7 employment technicians (one for each municipality of the territory). The ULLAUMIA mark is applied to tourism sector, natural and cultural resources, agro-food and home-made typical products from the territory. The certification procedure for companies and resources is currently in process. The ULLAUMIA label, has one general plan and several specific plans or specifications on several products, services, natural and cultural heritage. A Managing and Control Committee guaranties the respect of quality criteria established by the charters. Most relevant economic activities: From an economic point of view, the services sector is the most important. It employs more than half of the active population in trade, transports and accommodation. As far as employment goes, the importance of manufacture and building industry is also to be underline. There is also a “home” agriculture linked with auto-consumption that completes family resources, whereas agriculture specialisation is occurring in a progressive way. |