what is the ETQM? |
The EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL QUALITY MARK is the collective image of genuine rural territories that work for promoting the development process, with the assistance of public organisms, private firms and all social institutions, and that offer quality products and services respecting the principles and values of environmental protection and production process quality. More... |
become a member |
Associates of the Association may be legal entities with an interest in the purposes thereof and which meet the following requirements - Owners or managers of a Territorial Mark linked to a territory committed to the pursuit of territorial quality and sustainable development
- Local Action Groups (LAGs) where in their territory of action a Territorial Mark is applied and they collaborate with the owner of the same one More...
the ETQM Association |
The European Territorial Quality Mark (ETQM) is the property of the Association of the European Territorial Quality Mark, a non-profit organisation, governed by the Spanish law on associations of 2002. The Association was founded on 25 September 2007 in Madrid. The registered offices of the Association are in the city of Olot in Catalunya, 22, Avenida Onze de Setembre, second floor. The Association has a scope of action comprising all European territory. More... |
Why is the ETQM needed? |
Rural territories are facing a new situation, marked by a progressive withdrawal of the protection and the aid coming from the national States and the European Union. In addition, they are exposed to an open and competitive space, which has its origin in globalisation and the opening of markets.
The rural territories are not powerful enough to respond to this new situation. In order to present themselves on the market on a collective local basis, several isolated territories have been aiming at setting up a global project of a differentiated identity that mirrors the effort to achieve a territorial quality and is reflected in the image of the brand of territorial quality. More...
Advantages |
Coherence The approach is free of discriminations and exclusions, being accessible to all the territories and their populations. It represents a proposal of public and private development for all sectors (agri-food, tourist, craft industry, industrial, cultural, etc.).
Identity The different territories identify and develop the local traditions and know-how, the history and the cultural landscape as a resource for local development and as a source of innovation. More...